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Special Mission EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 10:23 pm by Donna
I guess it's pretty much safe to say that we are dying or already dead. This saddens me. WHERE IS EVERYONE?! I admit I've been very busy with school work, and with my job, and friends, church, and all the other million things going on in my life and haven't been on much either... But I want to change that! All I've been writing lately is random journals, and essays and what not for my online language arts courses, I NEED something to get me excited about writing again. When I was roleplaying my …

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Making a World
Special Mission EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 7:09 am by Wolves
Okay so I am going to help make a world cause we need something new going on here and now is the time to decide which you would like, below i will give a small description of the worlds so you get the idea.

Horse world
We are wild horses or ones in ranches near by. there will be wide open land then stables on the side so you can choose to be wild or captured. this is the times of us in a way like no rustlers really but we stick to western ways almost. there will be different types of lands …

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 Special Mission

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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 11:32 pm

Strength, brute force, power, pride, courage and team work. Just a few of the many things it takes to make up a helpful, strong Marine.
You need both mental and physical strength to become one, any Marine would tell you. It takes mental strength to give yourself in to your country.. And physical strength to get you through the training in one piece.

Needless to say.. It takes certain people to join. Or even begin boot camp.
But for this particular troop of Marines-in-training… Something went quite different. No.. Something went wrong.
Some members of the team were incompetent. Others sarcastic, or arrogant. Some were a little "too" good.. And some were somewhat manageable. Despite all of the different personalities in the group... It could be worded in one way. Characteristic.

The training had been going on for an hour already.. And the troop just started on the outdoor courses. The troop leader, Lieutenant General Bill Shepherd, watched over the troop from afar, until he was interrupted.
“Lieutenant General Shepherd, sir! News from the President.” The African-American man pulled his stiff arm immediately to just above his eyes in a respectful salute. Somewhat surprised by the seemingly urgent message, Shepherd turned.
“At ease.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Shepherd’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he pulled his arms behind his back and laced his fingers. “What news do you have for me, Major General Sanders?”
Sanders cleared his throat subtly before continuing. “Direct message from the President, sir. He requested to speak to you immediately.” He spoke quickly, and tried to let out his uncaught breaths as quietly as possible. “I can take over the P.T.” He offered lastly.
Knowing that the Major General really was not up for keeping watch over the Training, Shepherd looked out toward the troop who, apparently, noticed he wasn’t watching them.. Because they all had stopped for a breath. Shepherd scowled internally… The worst team he’d ever had to train. They all were characters… Some of them he wasn’t really quite sure why they joined the core in the first place.
"That's quite alright. Just tell them it will be postponed until later."
Sanders agreed to that request, and nodded a goodbye to Shepherd.

“Good evening, Lieutenant Shepherd.” The constant voice of President Obama rang through the dark room, that was only dimly lit by the many small computer screens to the side. In front was an 8ft screen, streaming a live video of President Obama in the Oval office.
“To you too, Mr. President. I understand you have news for me regarding my Troop in training?” Shepherd’s facial expression was kept broad and straight as he looked on to the over-sized image of the President. He was unsure… But by the looks of it. The President had urgent news that needed to be told asap.
“You are correct.” Replied the President. “A dangerous Creature has taken over the southern part of Florida state.. More commonly known as Cape Sable. Officers, Fire-fighters, and emergency teams have managed to stop the animals from spreading any further.. But the barrier is temporary.”
Shepherd’s mind swam as he heard the strange news. The biggest question that he itched to ask was ‘What am I supposed to to?’. However, The President continued and soon answered his question.
“We need your team in training to go in and exterminate it.” He said, pretty much straight to the point.
“My team?” Shepherd was surprised.. and his expression very clearly showed it. “With all due respect, Mr. President… They aren’t cut out for serious work. Not for another 5 months of training.”
The Pres. Nodded knowingly. “Trust my choice, General Lieutenant Shepherd. You’re my next option. Since the incident with the General. I’ve tried many other training troops… Each proved impossible. I trust that you’ve trained them well so far… And it isn’t the toughest of jobs.”
Shepherd nodded, dis-trustingly accepting the President’s choice. “I’ll tell them tonight.”
The President smiled. “Transportation will be sent out in the morning.” He said, ending the sentence with a dismissing tone. Though Shepherd took notice to the President needing to leave, he couldn’t help but ask one more question.
“One more thing, Mr, President.”
“What exactly are we looking at, here?”
The President frowned. “I can’t say I’m sure of that myself. Hundreds of lives have been taken… All I know is that light is our biggest defense against it.”
Shepherd nodded. “Thank you, sir.”
“Dismissed.” The President said, and the streaming image ended and went to a black screen. Shepherd’s mind ran over his conversation with the President… His team? A job that actually affected people? He founded himself rubbing his temples as he thought. This was certainly going to be interesting.


-BE PREPARED TO READ. I want the posts in this roleplay to be as LONG as possible. Shortness is only accepted in certain situations! Running, going to sleep, waking up, and conversations are GOOD reasons to have short posts. But when possible, please make them detailed!
-Up to Two characters per roleplayer. I personally am probably gonna add in Two.. just to fill in the troop a little. Smile
-This is a little bit of a different Roleplay. While most are of Teenagers, this one is of young adults. This means an Age range of 20-29. Sorry if any of you have to find different pictures. ^^; But hey! Some of your character photos could surely pass for young adults.
-I control the "creatures". And I'll describe them later on.
-I won't be strict and say you can't let anything happen without telling me.. but keep the drama at a reasonable level. Really get into character.. Don't just beat them up and take the pity! Wink
-Roleplay starts at 6AM the next morning. When the troop is getting shipped to Cape Sable.
-Use your own form.. But please add in what Rank they are shooting for in the Marines. No history or personality descriptions REQUIRED. They are optional. Sometimes it is funner for people to find out backgrounds during the rp. :3
-You don't have to have more than an ounce of education on Marines, or anything related for that matter. Google was my best friend in making this rp! And I'm sure I still got something wrong. Just have fun, it doesn't have to be precise.
-Have fun! Very Happy
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyTue Dec 22, 2009 1:34 am

Full Name: Anthony DiNozzo
Nickname: DiNozzo, Tony
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5'10
Nationality: Italian / American
-Quoting from movies often.
-Goofing off, and cracking jokes. Even in the worst times.
-Being pressured or pushed into something. Even though sometimes that's what it takes.
-Appearing weak.
-Being pushed around.
-Getting blown off.
-Computers or technical items. His phone is acceptable.
(Only adding this because it would be rare to get him to actually open up about it seriously in the roleplay.)
Tony comes from a wealthy family from Long island, New york. He is an only child, but has been cut off from his family's fortune for reasons only known to his father. His mother is deceased, ever since he was only about 10 years old. She went through a "Louis XV phase" when Tony was ten that inspired the decor of his childhood bedroom in all Vampires, giving Tony an inward disliking of vampires or bats. Tony's father was an American Civil War reenactor, and as a child Tony would carry the "poop bucket" during reenactments. This has resulted in a dislike of anything relating to the Civil War. His father was an abusive alcoholic, directing a good portion of his beatings down onto young Tony. Growing up as a teenager, his parents hardly even took notice to his presence. The only time he got much attention was when he did something to royally screw up. It was when he had run away from home for a few days, and met a very inspirational Marine who talked him into joining the Marine's in the first place. While he still went home after his encounter with the man... He left as soon as possible. His dream now is to become a General Lieutenant, like the man who he encountered as a teenager was.
Personality description:
Tony is a streetwise, promiscuous person all in all. His behavior toward women is often noted by others to be chauvinistic, and most of the time he can be seen flirting with any woman he comes in contact with. He does not respect personal boundaries, going so far as to rifle through his peers’ possessions, and listen in on private phone calls. The targets of this behavior are either victims of Tony's quests for new sources of amusement, or those for whom he believes he has reason to be concerned.
Although Tony is canonically in his twenties, he possesses a juvenile sense of humor that manifests itself in name-calling, teasing and pranks directed at his peers. Tony delights in quoting movies in everyday life, often mimicking the original actor when quoting them. He also finds parallels between the cinema and his everyday life. Anyone Tony has worked with often display visible frustration with his behavior, but he proves himself to be loyal and incredibly helpful when the situation calls for it.
Although his immature behavior often gets Tony into trouble, he demonstrates himself to be an insightful person when the need arises.
Also, while he appears to be the face of confidence.. He often hides his own weaknesses and painful past by cracking jokes, or closing up immediately. It’s on a rare occasion that anyone gets to talk to him about anything seriously, which becomes a source of stress to the person trying.
Eye Color: Emerald green.
Hair Color/Style/Length: See picture.
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned.
Extra Items: Sig Sauer M11(P228).
Picture: Special Mission Adeddmubgxyvaveg
Special Mission Rb9r2t
Picture Credit: (REQUIRED)
ALL photo credit goes to Michael Weatherly and CBS! History slightly modified, but originally owned by CBS. I do NOT own the character! I am just playing him out.
No copyright infringement intended. Very Happy
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptySun Jan 17, 2010 2:28 am

Amy Smith
Special Mission Ashley-greene3
Played by:Ashley Greene

Last edited by Donna on Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptySun Jan 17, 2010 3:38 am

Tony let out a loud and erupt groan as he slowly came through the thick fog of sleep. He shut his eyes tightly, stretching his legs out as far as he could. His eyes slowly blinked open, just to see that the lights in the bedroom were already turned on.
He turned his head tiredly to the side to see the row of 7 beds that were to his right. Most of the guys were just taking up just as he was.. Others were already wide awake. Which was strange, because everyone on this troop was normally asleep right up until it was urgent that they were awake. He assumed everyone else was thinking about the trip they were about to go on, assuming that because that was the way he felt.

He finally sat up in the stiff bed, and swung his legs around to the side of it so that they touched the floor. He rubbed his eyes with his palms and sighed silently to himself.
"Hey, DiNozzo." One of his 'buddies', Hank Greene, said as the Rookie stood up and walked over to DiNozzo's bed. "Ready to kick some creature ass?" He chortled.
"Just about, Hank." Tony smirked as he stood up as well to match the other man's height. "What time is it?"
"Almost zero-Six Hundred." Hank replied. Tony was internally surprised that his friend could even remember the military time Scale.
"..Right. And we leave?"
Hank looked at the watch upon his right hand. "..In about... Two... minutes." Hank said slowly, in just about as irritating a way as he possibly could.
Tony laughed, "You're joking..."
Hank shook his head back and forth. Tony's eyes widened in response, did he really sleep in that much?? Why the heck didn't the Lieutenant come and wake them up?!
Tony dove under his bed and began digging out clear boxes and a duffel bag. He pulled a white t-shirt, and a pair of jeans out as fast as he could.. Then began getting Dressed. Hank had just shrugged it off, and walked away to make conversation with someone else.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptySun Jan 17, 2010 3:18 pm

[Changed her picture, and she's 23 btw Smile]

I had been awake about an hour now, and had made the bed, took my five minute shower with cold water, pulled on some worn jeans and a white tank top, I had eaten a small breakfast consisting of an energy bar, some scrambled eggs and toast, my stomach still grumbled with hunger as I sat on my bed lacing up my heavy boots. I sat up and stretched my arms into the air forgetting about the bunk on the top and banging my hand on the hard wood. I winced and brought it back down rubbing my wrist.

"Hey Smith." I heard a pitched voice call down the row of bunks. "You ready to get going, they're loading up our truck in 2." Said Annabelle as she walked down the hall in between the rows. "Yep." I replying curtly as I stood up and easily lifted my forest green duffel onto my back, with my other arm I reached for my jean vest. "Kay..." Said Ana sensing my non talkative mood, she turned swiftly and jogged out. I could hear her flirting with a few men outside the door. I yawned and began walking towards the doorway, my footsteps echoing, everyone was already up and out, I was always the last to be out of the room. Making sure everything was in order.

I stepped out into the daylight, squinting and turning my head, Ana was standing in front of the doorway with two tall muscular men with blonde army cut hair and blue eyes, they seemed enchanted with her flirting techniques, I rolled my eyes and walked through them. They all gave me a questioning look. Okay, as you can tell, I wasn't in a good mood, firstly, I hated taking showers with cold water, but was forced to since the others woke up earlier than me to shower. And c'mon 5 minutes tops?! That was barely enough to get the shampoo in my hair, let alone get it all out.

I glanced around, sure enough the trucks were all in a single line waiting to be loaded up for the trip, this was certainly going to be interesting, with not half of us being capable to defeating whatever it was we were supposed to defeat, whatever it was, I knew it was going to be tough. I knew how to use a gun, I was good at defending myself, and fighting, I had been raised with 5 older brothers, I had to know how to use my fists, so just in case weapons failed, I had my hands to fight with. Not like it would make much difference, but it was something.
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyTue Jan 19, 2010 1:09 am

Tony cinched up his leather, black belt over his worn jeans, then tucked his skin-tight T-shirt under that. He grimaced curses under his breath... How he wished wearing expensive Italian clothing and shoes. He sat down again on his bed and swung one leg up at a time, lacing up his big black boots.
After he finished that, he figured it was just about time to go. He sat up out of bed, then headed for the door that was at the end of the bedroom. Outside that door, there was a mixture of Men and woman... If they weren't flirting, they were talking to friends. And if not talking to friends, noticeably making themselves more worried over the trip they were about to make. Tony couldn't help but chuckle... They were most likely just going there to put a couple rounds in some rabid Wolf's skull. It was no big deal for him.
Lieutenant General Bill Shepherd then appeared before them, standing on top of the small stage-like structure that was in front of the large room all of the Soon-to-be-marines stood in.
"Attention!" He shouted loudly in a voice that would quite possibly damage anyone else's voice boxes. He kept his arms neatly to his side, head held forward and high as if he was being chokes by a rope from above, and his eyes showed stress was filling him. Tony couldn't say he blamed the General... If he were leading a team like this, he probably would shoot himself before putting them up to a mission assigned by the President himself.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyTue Jan 19, 2010 3:34 pm

I heard as everyone became silent and I turned my heads toward the General, standing slightly straighter and listening closely, maybe he was going to give us a hint as to what we were supposed to be fighting. Maybe. Hopefully. I glanced around the room, catching a few of my friends eyes, I offered a weak smile. Who knew what was going to happen in this mission. Who knew?! No one..

I shifted my weight and then directed my attention towards the General waiting for him to speak or something. My duffel began to grow heavy on my shoulder, I winced as I shifted it from my left shoulder to my right shoulder. Then that shoulder became sore, so I finally released my grip on the strap and it fell lightly to the floor with a small bump, a few people turned to look at me, and one of the guards standing alone the sides looked at me quizzically. I shrugged and made a swift motion towards the bag and my shoulder, to let him know that my shoulder was sore that's why I let it fall. He nodded and I let out my breath, gosh they worried about every single little noise in this place.
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 2:42 am

The general had a generally [lol] pleased look on his face as he saw most of the Marines-to-be turning their attention to him. He wouldn't have minded a little more respect than he got... But he learned not to expect a whole lot from this troop.
A thin, tall and lanky man with glasses was standing back by the doors that led to the bedroom bunks. He checked one last thing off a paper on his clipboard, and then nodded to the General to let him know everyone was out.
"We are about to board the U.S navy troop planes to head out to Cape Sable! I expect full cooperation from each and every one of you! This is a mission assigned to you men and women directly from the President of the United states!
Each of you will be assigned into groups of two! I expect you to stay with your partner at all times, and you will both watch eachother's backs! No matter what.
Each team will consist of one Male, one female! Female carries a backpack with Food, water, First aid supplies, and a walkie talkie to contact those back at Central, and will also bear a Weapon. Male bears a weapon, as well as rope, extra ammo, and a walkie talkie as well."
Tony snorted as he listened.. Male on female? This should be interesting. He tucked his hands in his pockets, and kept a straight stature as he watched the frazzled General continue instructing.
"There are Eight animals told to be in there... Once every one is exterminated, we all can leave! I expect you all will be at your best! Lives are at stake here...
Now if I have made myself clear!" The General finished with a shout. "Exit out the West wing. And board the airplane you are directed to. See you there." He stepped down from the small stage structure, and began walking toward the Exit.

Tony stopped leaning on the wall and began walking forward, same as the mass of the 8-person group. He walked with his head down, mind wandering...
Damn, He thought. What kind of animal is this that they need all of us? Deeply caught up in his musings, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.. and so felt himself bump into another person.
"I'm sorry," He said in a stern tone quickly as he stumbled backward, and faced the woman standing before him... Amy. he revised her name in his mind. The one Hank was constantly gushing to Tony about... And, Tony could see why. She was a pretty attractive woman.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 2:42 pm

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, Well, this is it. I thought as I began walking towards the exit. It all happened so fast, I felt someone bump into me, my duffel bag suddenly grew heavy and I had to pull it off my shoulder before I fell over with it. I turned sideways. "HEY! Watc-" Once I saw who it was I shut up. Instantly feeling embarrassed a my flared temper that I almost released on him. "Sorry.. " I said quickly puling my bag up once again. I shifted my weight so this was Tony, in the flesh, never actually been face to face with him. I'd seen him around, gosh Heather was obsessed with him. He was all she ever talked about.
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 4:41 pm

[Small world. XD]

Tony smirked a bit as he shifted his weight and stood up a bit straighter. "My fault." He insisted in a mono-tone voice. "Name's Tony DiNozzo," He offered his left hand out to shake. He glanced back behind him for a split second, just checking to see if Hank happened to be peeking in... He knew he'd be dead if he was caught talking to her by him. [Wow... disappointingly short. lol]
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 4:52 pm

I offered a smile. "It's fine." I said and shrugged, I took his hand and shook it, "Amy Smith, Nice to meet you." I said noticing how he looked over his shoulder. I raised an eyebrow questioningly. Then saw in the background a tall muscular man, staring at us through narrowed eyes, a friend of his maybe? Didn't seem like it, but he looked kinda angry. "Friend of yours..?" I asked raising an eyebrow and smiling lightly, getting a crack out of the look on the guys face.
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 4:58 pm

"Nice to meet you, too." Tony assured her with a flirtatious smile. Though, his smile slowly began to dim as he saw her facial expression change. Oh, my god.. He thought to himself, though he didn't even dare turn around.
"Most likely." He instead replied to Amy, then secured his duffel bag over his shoulder. "I'll, um.. see you around." He glanced back behind him at his clearly upset friend, but continued walking quickly to catch up with the group.

Hank sneered at Tony as he watched him walk away. As soon as he saw Tony leaving Amy, he stepped right in his place. "HimynameisHank." He said, almost too quickly for even himself to understand. "I- I don't know if you know me or not. But.. I like you. Do you like me?" His eyes widened with anticipation.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 5:07 pm

I laughed gently and nodded, then looked puzzled as Tony rushed off. Well, that was.. awkward?! Again everything happening so fast I didn't notice as Hank quickly took Tony's place and began to blab on about something or another. I kept staring after Tony, what had gotten into him. Then I was dragged back to reality. I turned my blank face to stare at Hank, not getting a thing he said. "Umm..Hi..?!" I said. "Sorry.. What did you say?" I asked apologetically. I noticed the childish look on his face and pursed my lips as to not laugh.

I shifted my duffel to my other shoulder. Glancing again in the direction Tony had disappeared in. Weird. I shook my head to clear my thoughts then let my duffel slowly slip to the ground, Man I'm popular today. I joked in my head and laughed internally. Next thing I know it maybe the cute lieutenant will be in line to talk to me. I glanced around and saw him talking to a group of men, he looked stressed, and the general beside him looked even more stressed, so stressed I could almost imagine the white hairs popping out of his head. I sighed then looked at Hank again, waiting for him to say something.
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 5:15 pm

Tony continued to walk as quickly as he could with his heavy duffel bag balanced over his shoulder, and resting it's mass on his upper back. He glanced back over his shoulder as he went, noticing Hank's childish expression as he 'made a move' on Amy. He had a lot to learn about Women... Rule #1, don't ask them if they like you within the first 24 hours of meeting them.. Chances are, you're gonna be disappointed. Or.. at least it was that way for him.

Hank's eyes remain wide and shiny as he gazed at Amy's facial features. "You.. have a very pretty nose." He commented with a childish grin. "But I'm not sure.. because just he didn't eat it!" he had at least tried to come up with something smart to say... but instead a bunch of random words came out. "I mean... we should go. We're gonna get in trouble." He glanced back at the General, then at the door where Tony had just barely walked out of. They were the last ones in the bunker.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 5:28 pm

"Umm.. Thank you.." I said even more confused. I cleared my throat. "Okay. Well see you around!" I said smiling awkwardly and grabbing my duffel and hurrying towards the exit, I wondered which plane/truck (WHATEVER IT IS LOL) I was supposed to load into. I looked around and saw Heather. I quickly hurried over to her. "Any idea which one's ours?" I asked. She shook her head.
"We're waiting for the general."
I nodded. "Ah."
I shifted my weight lightly and looked around. Seeing Tony. Gosh his friend was so weird.. Then I realized what had happened. Hank.. Well it was obvious that he liked me. So he was mad that Tony was talking to me. AHA! It all made sense.
"Ooh, who's that cutie?" Heather asked suddenly twitching her hand a bit to motion behind me. I dared to glance. "Oh gosh no." I said and widened my eyes. Hank was walking towards me with the same childish grin plastered on his face.
"I don't know his name." I said looking back at her.
"He's cute." She repeated.
"He's all yours, you can have him!"
"Okay.. well, see you around." I said as he was advancing towards is.
I quickly walked around her and walked into the crowd of people.
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 5:38 pm

[Plane! haha. Gonna try first person now.]

I exhaled loudly as I stood in the center of the crowd of people, struggling to keep my duffel bag on my shoulder as just about every person who walked by me bumped into it and shoved me to the side. I heightened myself by standing on my toes and looked over the crowd for the General... Which plane were we boarding exactly?
"Two planes! Split up!" A couple of buff men bellowed, as they were standing at the entrance of each plane, waiting to get the marines into each plane. It didn't take me a second thought.. I was going on the first plane. I knew for a fact that the second one smelled like a rotten fish, and.. I wasn't gonna put up with that for the entire plane ride. No way.
I cut my way through the crowd, shoving people aside where it was needed. Just before I got to the line of people boarding onto each plane, I glanced around the crowd to try to spot out Hank... Where the hell did he go?
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 5:41 pm

I was unconsciously making my way towards the first plane. Pushing through people, and finally making it to the long line. Then I looked around at once taking a break. I noticed how more people were boarding this plane than the other, I wondered why. Then I remembered the fish incident sometime back. Whew, lucky I came towards this plane. I exhaled slowly then let my duffel fall tot he ground again, it was beginning to get heavy from carrying it everywhere. (shortness O.o)
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 5:49 pm

I let out an exaggerated sigh of relief as I came to the head of the line. I placed my left foot on the hardy step that was about 4 feet off the ground, and then hoisted my body up with a grunt. I walked into the cluttered plane, and took my seat at the first place with two empty seats. Nobody was sitting next to me as if that moment, but.. with some of the people on our troop, I was just about giddy about getting two seats to myself. Course, that could change at any given time.
The walls of the plane were lined with heavy net-like material. I wasn't sure what it was for.. Shock absorber, maybe. The kick of the thrust when the planes first took off was pretty powerful.. Maybe it cut down on concussions from those who refused to hold on when told. I really had no idea.
"Move it, Move it!" I could hear the men at the entrance of the plane ordering everyone. It wasn't too long before they were gonna start sending people to the next plane.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 6:13 pm

I FINALLY mad it to the front, and it was my turn to be hoisted up the high stairs. I grabbed my duffel and was about to toss it up to the top so I could climb easily, but strong hand clasped the handle and pulled it from my hands. I turned to look and to my disappointment it was Hank. "Herelemmehelpyou." He said quickly and climbed up first setting the duffel at the top then coming back down and offering me his hand. I grinded my teeth together as I took his hand and began to climb the stairs. Whenever I slipped he grabbed my waist, I was beginning to get really uncomfortable with this guy. "Thanks." I said quickly grabbing my bag. "Come sit by me." He said.
"Umm.. I already told someone I was going to sit with them.." I lied skillfully. Looking around for a familiar face that had an empty seat beside them.
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 6:18 pm

I yawned suddenly as I waited to hear the steel door come to a close. I looked down at my hands as I fiddled with them, intertwining my fingers together in an intriguing way. Once I realized how stupid I must have looked, I threw my hands to my sides.
I then, out of boredom, glanced back to see who was coming in next... Hank was coming in, with Amy close behind him. Ironic. I thought. But, I noticed the uncomfortable look upon Amy's face, and the... Creepy look on Hank's. She obviously was looking for a way out of being next to him.
"Amy! Hey! Got your seat right here." I called out as if Amy and I had known each other for our whole lives. I used my left hand to pat the seat a bit in exaggeration of the act.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 6:23 pm

"Oh there they are.. See ya!" I said exhaling in pure relief as I grabbed my bag and shoved it under the seat and flopped down beside Tony. "You're a life saver.." I whispered to him. I noticed the sad expression on his face and sorta felt bad for him, then I heard Heather calling him from somewhere in the back, well, good for her, she figured out his name. I glanced at Tony then looked around, out of habit my right hand raised to my lips and my teeth instantly began to bite at my already-too-short-to-be-shorter pinky nail. I only bit my nails when I was nervous, and I had been rally nervous these days. Especially in the airplane, I hated them. They scared me to death. Ok a little exaggeration there, but point be made, I was nervous in airplanes. (short. D=)
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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 6:28 pm

I smiled at Amy. "So I've been told," I whispered in reply. I watched as Hank giddily moved toward the woman calling his name. "Well, at least he isn't gonna be alone.." I half-joked with a chuckle, then looked at Amy once again. Nail biter... I thought to myself as I narrowed my eyes.
"You know, that's bad for both your fingertips and your teeth. Nervous?" I asked. Annoyed with my over-sized duffel bag, I thieved the idea of putting it under the seat.. and did so. After struggling and punching it for a few moments, I got it to stay. I turned to face Amy once again, waiting for a reply.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 6:33 pm

I instantly blushed and pulled my hand away from my mouth. Shoving it into the side of the seat. "Gosh I have to stop doing that." I said miserably, pulling my hand out again and looking at all my nails one by one, they were all cute nicely and painted with a clear coat, the only nail I bit was my pinky, for some odd reason. "Yeah.. I know.. Yes.. I am..." I said embarrassed as I grinded my teeth, I terribly needed something to bite at. I felt my pockets, just my luck, no gum.

I stared ahead, I hope I hadn't annoyed him by biting my nails.. er.. nail. Unconsciously my hand slowly lifted to my mouth as I saw the big steel door shut. Then I realized what I was doing and smacked it away with my left hand. Gosh I probably looked so stupid right now. Smacking my own hand? Wow.

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Female Posts : 2381
Age : 29
Registration date : 2008-04-16

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 6:52 pm

I nodded understandingly at her being nervous and faced forward again. I glanced down at my lap, and began playing with my fingers once again. Slowly, however, I looked out of the corner of my eye at Amy, just in time to see her slap her own hand away from her face. "Ha!" I laughed. Not in a mean way, more in a 'what on earth was that about' way.
I had opened my mouth yo say something smart-ass [SORRY!] to her, but was interrupted as the pilot's voice came blaring through the intercom.
"This is pilot 4405, ready for takeoff. Going to positive thrust." The young man's voice spoke in mono-tone.
"If I were you.. I'd grab onto something." I said in a low voice as I reached over to the wall, grasping my right hand tightly around the net on the wall.
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Female Posts : 5006
Registration date : 2008-04-15

Special Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Mission   Special Mission EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 7:13 pm


I gave him a look, boy if looks could kill. Then I laughed gently and grabbed onto the side of the seat, then looked around to what I could grad with my right hand, then I settled on the armrest on the other side. I bit my lip and sat still. Looking around nervously, everyone else looked so relaxed and normal. I gnawed on my lip and waited anxiously.

(gosh so short.. D=)
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